Monday, August 28, 2017

Identify the Connection between neurons in the Brain

The Brain consist of a structural and functional properties of interconnected neurons.

What are neurons?

Neuron can be defined as a cell within the Nervous System which is the basic working unit of the Brain.These neurons communicate in a unique way.They will transmit information to other nerve cells, muscles and Gland cells.A mammalian neuron consists of  cell body, axon and dendrites. The cell body consist of a nucleus and a cytoplasm. axons are extended from the cell body. Dendrites are also extended from the cell body and communication is done by dendrites in between neurons.When a neuron receives or sends message they transmit an electrical pulse along their axons.And there's a myelin sheath covered by the axons which will accelerate the transmission of the electrical signals.

How to observe physically?

Knowing the connections between neurons in the brain is the key to understanding learning and memory.Even though it is hard to trace the connections between neurons even using modern advanced microscopes. Therefore a special method is used to detect those connections. Scientists have revealed that this can be detected using Florescent Calcium ions.Using these calcium ions they could observe the firing of the neurons.When a neuron receives a signal that neuron will fire.To experiment we use cultured neurons. The method is also applicable to slices of brain and to recordings of the surface of the brain after it has been exposed surgically.

 These being a long time inspiration for computational intelligence Systems.Understanding the behavior of the neurons will reveal the Intelligence systems in general.This will helps to find out the alterations caused to the brain because of the diseases.